It's Friday again! Time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!!
1. Corn Fields
When I was little, I secretly always wanted to be a pioneer girl. Seriously - there was something so charming to me about simpler times - and come on, who didn't read Sarah Plain and Tall or Little House on the Prairie when they were growing up and maybe want to live that life? (It's this secret side of me that gets super excited each fall to go apple picking and preserve things!) Anyway, I'm sure I would have long forgotten this dream, except my parents live in as rural of an area as you can get in Boston - and each time I go to visit, I drive through this corn field and laugh. It's honestly one of my favorite sights of summer - tall corn stalks blowing in the wind. If I ever had the courage, I'd pack up my family and move west. But for now, these trips through the corn will have to do!
2. Yogurt Treats
I recently discovered this yummy combination. Sometimes I have it for breakfast, sometimes for a dessert - I only use a tablespoon of chocolate chips (so I can tell myself it's healthy!) and this coffee flavored yogurt is one of the only Greek yogurts I've found that I like.
3. Play Dough
While on a walk with my son yesterday (keeping up with my #StepItUp goals!) we stopped at CVS. The summer stuff is ALL ON SALE (which I hate because it's still summer!!!) and on one of the shelves I found these little packages of Play Dough. I have only just introduced play dough to my little one, and although most of it ends up in his hair/mouth/eyes/on the floor, I figure he'll get better with practice. And these seemed pretty PERFECT to take with us to restaurants or other places (side note: I never worked in the restaurant industry, but my sister did. I always try to have something to distract my little guy while we're out, and I am careful to help clean up any extra mess he makes. So if the play dough were to end up on the floor - we wouldn't leave until I'd picked it up.) I'm not even ashamed to say that I bought their whole supply - they were on sale, so were less than $1.00 a piece. Now I have a drawer full of them...
4. Bedding
If you've read my blog before, you know I'm having so much trouble deciding on bedding for our new bed! Right now we're using our old duvet and quilt - which are queen sized - too small for our king bed. We end up fighting over them in the middle of the night, and have resorted to having "private blanket parties" (my husband's term). I'm trying to fix this problem QUICKLY! I want our room finished and I'm tired of fighting over blankets in the middle of the night. :) The most recent duvets I've found came today from Target. I really want something mostly grey and white... Here they are:
The one on the right is black and white, not grey and white, and the one with the red in it also has a light sea foam green in some of the flowers as well. Anyone have any input??? Should I keep looking, or are these good?
5. Lunch
I'm having lunch today with a sweet teaching friend of mine who I haven't seen since school got out almost a month and a half ago. We live less than 2 miles from each other but have just been so busy we haven't had a chance to catch up! I'm really excited to see her!!!

I found a complete bedding set at TJ Maxx one day. I do like both of the ones you have picked out. I'd go with the one without red. You can add colors to it with accessories and change it easily if you get tired of it.
ReplyDeleteKudos to your for playing with play-dough! I am too OCD and didn't like the mess when my kids were little!
Teachers Are Terrific!
Enjoy your lunch date!! :)
ReplyDeleteKimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
I like the comforter on the left, but don't settle if it's not exactly what you want. I have been on the hunt for a new comforter too. I'm looking for white ruffles (antique chic) and am not having any luck either. Ugh!
My Carolina Classroom