I'll be giving away my Scoot Through Fall bundle! It's a bundle of 5 scoot games that you can play all fall - what I love about this bundle is that you can play each game straight up, OR you can take pages from each bundle and mix it around - so your students are jumping around in subject areas! My class LOVED scooting last year (and really loved all the different words I'd use for "scoot" - hurry, move it, make haste, hustle, etc) and it was an awesome, fun, quick assessment tool.
This game is perfect for 2nd graders, but could also be used in 1st grade (perhaps towards the end of the year) or in 3rd grade. None of the games are "fall themed" - I just cover topics I teach in the fall. (I also have a spring scoot bundle and am working on a winter one too!)
Included in the bundle is a Getting To Know You Scoot, which asks the students questions about themselves. It's a fun way to get to know them while also teaching them the basics of how to play Scoot!
Also included is a Addition and Subtraction Scoot, 2 Digit Place Value Scoot, Contractions Scoot, and Noun Scoot. (Fun side note: this is my first time making a "cover page". It's very basic, and pretty boring, but I'm starting to figure it out!)
In case you don't know about Scoot... to play, each student needs a pencil and an answer sheet (included in the bundle). Before starting, give each student a numbered game card. When you say "go" they look at their card, figure out the answer, and write it in the matching numbered answer box. After a certain amount of time, you shout out "scoot!" and everyone gets up and moves to another desk, taking their pencil and answer key with them. I always start the year out with a practice session (Getting to Know You Scoot!) and we take it very slowly, going over where they should move. By the end of the year, we're racing through the game and they're loving it - and maybe not even knowing they're learning!
So, enter the giveaway! I'd love to share this bundle with you!

Um, you are awesome!!! I love that you have a basic get-to-know-you scoot that is used to teach how a scoot works. Duh! Why didn't I think of that? Designing the cover pages is my favorite part!!! :)
My Carolina Classroom