Linky Party - an activity that all bloggers can participate in. You don't have to be invited, you simply have to grab the picture off someone's blog, follow the directions, and post to your blog. Then head back to the original blog and add your link. It has been so fun participating in these, and it's brought new readers to my blog! Some great Linky Parties to check out are: Currently, Monday Made It, 5 for Friday, and Traveling with Ramona. If you have others, please leave them in the comments.
WIDN - stands for "What I'm Doing Now" - this comes up a lot on Instagram. It simply means, take a photograph, post it, and tag a few other people asking them the same question.
#teachersfollowteachers, #teachersofinstagram, etc - ways to connect to other teachers. If you add these hashtags (or other ones you create), other teachers will see your post, and maybe want to follow you! I know I've gotten a lot of my followers from doing just this.
TpT - Teachers Pay Teachers - where teachers create and sell original curriculum materials. It's awesome! Each teacher has a "store" where they post their work. Check mine out...
ToU - Terms of Use. When you create a product to sell (or giveaway) you should include a Terms of Use page. I'm including a sample of mine below. This tells your customers what they are allowed to do with your product. I created a basic one that I save on my desktop and can just add to each product... I edit the font and background to match the rest of the product, but mostly the language stays the same.
Commercial Fonts/Clip Art - are products you can use in your products to sell. When you buy clip art and fonts, be sure to read if you can use them commercially - if it doesn't specifically say you can, then don't... you don't want to get into copyright trouble! Usually you pay a fee for commercial fonts and clip art and you must include credit to the person who created it on a CREDITS page (or something similar). Here's my example... (side note, these are some of my favorite designers!)
Preview File - a short part of your file you upload so potential customers can see a sample of your product. I didn't do this at the beginning, but as I've gotten to know more about the process, I've learned that it's very important! Lots of teachers will skip over your product completely if there isn't a preview. Many teachers post cute previews that have small thumbnails of the entire product. I'm still learning how to do that... so for now I just upload a page or two. Beware though... a preview is downloadable and USEABLE. So if your product is only 1 page, and you upload it as a preview file, you're giving your product away for free.
I hope this is helpful for at least one person who reads this! Also, if you have other things I should add, let me know. I KNOW there's a lot of language that I'm still learning!!

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