Hi! Before I get into my currently, I just need to thank Courtney at Blogs Fit For a Queen AGAIN for my awesome new blog! I feel so fancy with it - like I'm a real blogger now! I seriously skewed the statistics for my page the day she loaded it, because I kept checking it all night long - just to see how fancy and professional it looked! If you're ever looking for someone to help you make your blog look professional, DEFINITELY check her out!
Ok, on to my currently! I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her Linky Party again. I completely missed the May Currently... I don't know how that happened, but I'm jumping back on the party in June!
Listening: somehow, despite it being 2 months later, I'm STILL listening to the Red Sox play in the background. I love doing work while listening to the game. :)
Loving: we have 2 days of school left. I can't believe it. This year went very fast.
Thinking: we woke up early this morning with the intentions of doing some spring cleaning. So far, all we've done is play trucks with our little guy. But hopefully we'll get moving on that soon...
Wanting: speaking of the little guy - he's got a wicked cold. So we haven't slept much lately. I could use a nap.
Needing: but instead I'm hoping to take a walk. Gotta keep those FitBit steps up - especially now that I've linked up with some of my friends. That competition is FIERCE!
Summer Bucket List: similar to the other days post: we're moving, I'd like to do some non-school related reading (actually read the book, instead of just carry it around all the time like I do during the school year), and spend as much time at the beach and pool as possible!
That's it for me today! Now I'm off to get cleaning... or to play with some more trucks. :)

I love your blog design - so cute!!! And I love that talked about actually READING a book. I do that all school year - carry one around, have it on the table or the sofa with me...and never actually read it. I can't wait to dive into some good books this summer, too :) Happy last few days!!
First Grade Fairytales
Isn't it funny how we do that? I don't know anyone else, besides a teacher, who carries a book around without reading it!
DeleteHi Sarah!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I LOVE that your listening to a ball game too! I was listening to the Cubs (my hubs team) in the background as I wrote my Currently this month. :c)
Your blog is super cute! I am your newest follower.
Thanks! I'm heading over to your blog right now to follow you back!
DeleteLove your blog - it does look so great! :-) I've got baseball on in the background too, the bf is catnapping on the couch so I may change it! Definitely skip the cleaning and play with the trucks!
BigTime Literacy
Thank you! I did skip the cleaning - I keep reminding myself that he'll only be little once right!?!