I'm a VERY organized person at school - I know where everything is, and so would you if you were to come to my classroom, because everything is labeled, everything has a home, and there's no clutter. My house however... I TRY to keep it clean and organized, but it's hard! I'm sure many of you can relate. Forget the fact that I have a baby - by the time I get home at night, I'm either too tired, or have other things to do - so the organizing and cleaning gets pushed off. But moving is forcing me to organize and declutter - and I'm so so happy to do so! Today I tackled the linen closet. Or at least, it's supposed to be a linen closet. As I discovered - it's turned more into a closet we throw our junk in instead. I think I found 2 sheets in the entire closet! But now it's an empty closet, all packed up and ready to make a move!
I hope to check back in soon - there are so many Linkys I want to do, and I've got a running list of TpT things I want to work on too... somehow I hope to find time to fit it all in! I'm also participating in my very first SLANT box! I'm so excited about this! I'll blog about that process too as I get to know more about it. :)

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